The First Full Moon of 2021 Marks a Nebulous Culmination

The full moon exact on January 28, 2021 at 1:16pm CST marks the culmination and release point of the cycle of the astronomical Cancer and Capricornus axis, with our Sun in council with Jupiter and Saturn shedding Light on our Illuminary, the Moon in the part of the sky that is in the nebulous belly of the Crab, on the the Nebulae Praesepe. Also in the sky we have our planets on this axis communicating in a tense aspect called a square with Uranus the great awakener and revolutionary, and Mars the ego, will, drive. This is the first full moon of 2021 and in perfect timing as we begin a 2 week release of what is outworn and no longer serves us.
This nebulous part of the sky where our Moon illuminates is a point of stormy weather and feeling heavy burdens of every day matters physically and energetically, that is, in order to trigger needed growth and evolutionary change. We certainly have been feeling these energies more for the past 2 weeks at least with now being a culmination point to really light up and awaken us for the changes we need to make in our every day lives.
We can best use this energy by honing in on our complaints and excuses towards ourselves, to others and throughout our lives. Then we can ask, "How do I contribute to this disharmony? What do I really want instead? What can I do to change what I don't like to become closer to what I do want? What can I begin to do to become the change I wish to see in others and in my environment?"
If any part of your life is feeling nebulous and burdensome, now is the time to tend to this part of your life to make changes with small, steady steps and development in the direction you do want. It is time to begin cultivating these new habits in the direction of growth and evolution, and in response watch the old outworn habits fall away gracefully on their own.
"The Universe is wise and loving." - Spoken by the greatest astrologers
Happy Full Moon Blessings Everyone!