Temple Anointment
Anoint Your Body Temple for Optimal Attunement with the Gifts of the Earth
The Integrity of the Pure Potent Gifts of the Earth
CPTG Essential Oils
The basis of what we know today about health and medicine came through the ancient Greeks. They have such amazing history of using pure essential oils. They learned much from the Egyptians.
They used them in cosmetics, they used them in their religious and spiritual practices and they used them in their every day health.
They wrote many books and manuscripts about the plants and herbs. The level of detail included in the ancient manuscripts is incredible.
The ancient Greeks are the first we have recently found to understand and document that our physical health is connected to our emotional, our mental and our social health.
They spent centuries learning how to harness the power of the Gifts of the Earth into their daily lives.
At the Acropolis, the point of ancient Athenian society, they would burn Frankincense into their prayers, which would waft up into the air with the smoke to Mount Olympus, to the gods in the Heavens.
The ancient Greeks were traders. One of the things most precious to them were the essential oils. They were found in the amphora vases that were found in shipwrecks from thousands of years ago.
700 years before Hippocrates, we remember physician Asclepius. He was the first physician to perform surgery using essential oils and herbs, which changed the trajectory of medicine forever.
When you think of essential oils being new to our modern world, they are not. We have known about the power of essential oils for thousands of years and we are just now being able to tap back in to what they knew so many years ago from our ancient ancestors.
Health and Joy are your Birthright. Where there is an ailment, the remedy is always simple and nearby. This absolutely still carries true today as it did in ancient times.
I have helped hundreds of families just like you implement an Essential Oils Lifestyle for optimal emotional, physical, mental and social health with ease.
What are Essential Oils?
Aromatic compounds from the plants' roots, stems, flowers, bark, skin and seeds that are 50-70 times more potent than the dried herb.
They are the only medicine that holds the pure potent vibrational frequency of the whole living plant in its fullest integrity.
Essential oils have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, still in fullest potency after thousands of years.
It has completely changed my life and my family's life to be able to weave the power and knowledge of pure, unadulterated essential oils into our daily routines and to have them in our medicine cabinet to promptly address any unexpected ailment.
We use oils for everything.
kids health
emotional health
non-toxic cleaning
weight loss - metabolic
a non - toxic home environment
potent non-toxic luxury skin care
immune support
digestive support
respiratory health
hormonal health
mental focus, and so much more
You'll discover how you can use the most potent and pure plant medicine for your very specific wellness goals in this short Essential Oils 101 video.
When you order 100 for the first time with me, you get a free Essential Oils Made Simple book mailed to you, and you get me as your personal guide so that you know exactly how to use your products.
If you want my support deciding what to order, send me a message. I'm here to support your wellness journey every step of the way.