Sirius Ministries, SSM
(a Self-Supported Ministry)
Our Mission is:
“To attune the the Leaders and Visionaries of Humanity to the optimal frequency of the infinite Source of Creation, Love and Intelligence, within the container of God’s intent to balance and harmonize the masculine and feminine into true and united Divine form on Earth. Therefore bringing forth the most fulfilling reality for the well being of all by utilizing our God given Birthrights and pure gifts of the Earth, Humanity and Cosmos to clean and correct karmic lessons, and expedite the Divine Plan of the evolution of our planet under Grace and Perfection of Heaven.”
Sirius is a star of unconditional love, of the Greatest Spiritual Masters and Leaders. It guides deep soul Awakening, spiritual gifts, empowerment and a high capacity of Divine Service.
Sirius Ministries is a Self Supported Ministry and is a 508 - 1 (a) non-profit organization, ID #87-1934041. We confirm that Sirius Ministries, SSM is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with IRS Code Section 6033 (a).