A Turning Point of Endings & Fresh Beginnings

Mars is now retrograde opposite Venus and Pluto, trine Mercury and the North Node: Relationships can be extra passionate and exciting. Just make sure the passion doesn't turn into jealousy, manipulation and obsession. Love can take an extreme turn. Be mindful that it is grounded and based on reality. Peaceful ways of communicating can bring love and passion to it's destined direction. It's good timing for ancestral healing of patterns of both love and money.
December 13 - 15 retrograde Mercury rises as Apollo at his greatest elongation in many parts of the world with the royal star Antares, the star of the leaders of war. This will influence more peace in the parts of the world where he's rising. But then after Mercury turns direct and meets Antares again December 22 - 24, wars can take a turn to escalate.
Jupiter is setting through December 17, which he does not like. Be careful of laziness, complacency, over-optimism and overindulgence.
The December 15 full Moon at the 29 Taurus represents an ending to prepare us for new beginnings. The Sun on the stinger of Scorpio, passing through the alchemy from water to fire represents a turbulent end for a leader. The world is filled with uncertainty due to the unscrupulous doings of those in power. This marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new world. Be cautious of those that you feel may be jealous and envious of you at this time.
With Jupiter and Saturn coming to their exact square of conflict, we can expect the market to drop over the holidays. It could feel like a more troubled holiday, but with Saturn being the most powerful in the sky through the Springtime, Leaders and Visionaries must take daily action, staying consistent towards goals and be more discerning and morally right, only living from truth and integrity. When you hold these virtues as priority, especially during these changing times, you'll receive permanent rewards that last a lifetime.
Every change of social systems happens through conflict. Spiritual awakening is necessary and fully supported during this time to help prevent humanity from falling under more control of any old agendas. As we awaken to new levels the old systems and structures are outgrown and must dissolve to make space for the new.
December 31, 2025 brings us an auspicious Sagittarius moon rising trine Uranus, the Great Awakener. There will be a harmonious new beginning of more freedom, ingenuity and advancements for the lunar cycle that effects most of January. January will have this inner sense of freshness, new ideas and excitement to take advantage of.
We are called to be discerning and diplomatic to find peace and balance within our hearts and soul. The world is in a whirlwind of emotional and radical changes. We are on the cusp of a new beginning, and the USA going through a death and rebirth process contributes to this. 2025 predictions are incoming for more details of what to expect and best strategies to make it your best year.
The Universe is Wise and Loving.
Those I serve are Leaders who serve the mission to contribute their genius to turn the planet to where it next needs to go as we transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. These ages are marked by the precession of the equinoxes, and this time is pivotal as the north node of the moon, the eclipse points, are on this Pisces-Virgo axis through April 30 2025, and Saturn in Aquarius until April 6, 2025. The true Heart Centered Leaders are being called to rise up and claim the throne of service and the rewards that come with mastery.
Picture this…..You, the Leader, find me, and you’re SO DONE with…
Sacrificing your greater Vision for the comfort of others. What you have right now is not enough.
Old patterns and obstacles holding you back from achieving the results you want in your life, your business, your vitality, your relationships, your contribution
Feeling stuck and tethered to life circumstances that make you seemingly chained, lonely or lacking passion in your purpose
And then you step through the portal of the 4 part process of the Birthrights Activation…
The first step is preparation: clearing and opening the way to fully have space for receiving the activation. Preparations of your self and environment that are specific to your Blueprint and where you are right now in your life journey so that you fully receive the codes available to you from Heaven to activate clarity around your Vision. This begins immediately upon booking in the days before we meet.
Then we meet to activate the Leadership codes of the intricacies of your Divinity, aligning you and your Vision with Heaven’s plan. We do this by following the Star Map of your Soul Blueprint given to you at birth. You will have your authentic template to be, do, have anything when you are aligned with Heaven’s gps system. This is your Birthright as a Leader.
Next you receive the Template and water the seeds that have been planted with your specific protocol of transformations, ancient and advanced tools and practices customized for you to quantum leap timelines that miraculously get you from where you are to where you want to be. You’ll be in communication with me through this 2 weeks process to answer any questions that come up along the way to getting your results of fulfillment.
And then we meet again to integrate and celebrate your success and rewards, stabilizing you into your new level of fulfillment and contribution, with important questions answered and clear strategy for what to do next going forward.
You become the Leader who is in such solid alignment with his Great Vision that your environment conforms to your leadership, setting a new standard to create your life, your mission, your contribution, your relationships as your Masterpiece from a place of Vitality and Celebration.
The results are permanent rewards that have a ripple effect of transformation across every area of your life, your relationships, your wealth, your contribution, your health, your legacy and your lineage.
When you, as a Leader, are in alignment in the quantum field with your Birthrights fully Activated, the physical world must align to your Vision and goals. This is Universal Law.
If this is what you want, I show you how to do this inside the Birthrights Activation. Click here to book a call with me to get the conversation started and see if it's the right fit for us to work together.
Much Joy,
Tammy Antoinette Mikeska