December Full Moon in Gemini - Truth Illuminated
Venus' front end shadow began November 17th and her Retrograde Station is tomorrow, Sunday December 19th. All month long we have her coming to standstill while conjunct Pluto twice (December 11th & 25th) - bringing one MASSIVE trigger of Pluto to help launch his new 20 years journey through Capricorn.
Huge confrontation with what is NOT working in our relationships, finances, careers, business practices and more are incoming. On a bigger level this is shining a Light on what is not working in government, big business, traditions and patriarchal institutions and dogmas. It's time for change! But we are also up against all our resistances to change! Honest self reflection on where you are defaulting to what is easy, familiar, safe, secure or expected of you - versus Living from the Truth of your Heart - is key! Once you get clear, then it will be time to start taking action to deconstruct, reconstruct, dissolve and/or reform foundational aspects of your life.
The Full Moon tonight at 3 degrees Gemini is a powerful one - as is this entire Lunar Cycle. The Black Moon/Solar Eclipse was the transition point into this cycle, and this Full Moon culmination is conjunct fixed star Betelgeuze and opposite the Galactic Center. These are VERY POWERFUL points - and incidentally they are in the area of the sky associated with Orion the Hunter and Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer. The Serpent is a symbol of wisdom and magic, but also a symbol of facing the shadow. Betelgeuze is the energy of the scholar/scientist or con-artist/liar, and with this point being illuminated by the full moon, hunting, searching, and finding answers is inevitable. The truth is illuminated, especially in the Gemini areas of communications, media, trade... Things we have disillusioned about are finally brought to culmination.
Mercury, in his rare phase as Hermes, bright evening star, is very important for this full moon activation, since Mercury is ruler of Gemini. Mercury is only visible about 12% of the time in the dark sky because he travels so near the Sun. He is only activating the bright Hermes mind about 6% of the time. At the Full Moon he is exactly on the bow and arrow of Sagittarius, assuring the hunt for Truth successful.
Jupiter in Aquarius is sextile the Sun and trine the Full Moon, fully supporting our evolution collectively as we open more to our freedom to search and use our bright mind to find Truth for the greater good of All.
Especially with these activations I highly recommend tapping in, tuning in and opening up to receive downloads, information, revelations and Truths. Some may shock you or destabilize you - the Truth will set you free, but first it might piss you off.