The Way It Should Be
Here is where they are and what the result is
Once you step into the Embodiment of the Priestess
What is it that they desire?
More freedom, more time, more money, more love, more support, magnetic to your boldest desires without having to feel overworked and burnt out.
What are they going through?
Feeling stuck in limiting loops with no way out. This is experienced as relationship troubles, chronic illness, low vitality, hormonal imbalances, not enough money, love or satisfaction
What’s in it for me?? (clients)
More time, bigger impact, strong energetic boundaries, influence through magnetic attraction rather than striving, people pleasing and burn-out
There has to be a certain level of awareness that someone entering at this level would have…
Aware that the natural cycles have great impact and influence, and when you surrender into this masculine container of the Higher Powers that are aligned with your Authenticity you catch waves of power rather than being plummeted by the effects
Aware that your energy and your beliefs impact your levels of manifestation
What gap does it fill for them?
Your body is the Sacred Temple In which your Spirit animates, and your Bridge between Heaven and Earth. Your Temple Body is a highly attuned GPS system when you’re aware of the natural heliacal cycles of the archetypes and embody the knowledge and wisdom of the Cosmos
What is the solution that this program provides?
to have a great conscience impact on all areas of your life on purpose so that you attract your desires from feeling at home from a place of relaxation and passion
What’s going on for them in their reality that the Embodied Priestess program fills?
Overgiving, overstriving, pouring from an empty cup … to more freedom, feeling at home with your decisions, plans and strategies
Point A to point B
How Working on the esoteric level transforms their reality.
Making changes first at the esoteric and embodied level creates big transformation in your outer world.
Women who have taken the Embodied Priestess journey with me have
CTA bible
The future pacing Phrase Bank:
Future pacing
Once you (become the woman who has clear boundaries)…
When you (start speaking to your ideal client in specific terms)...
The reason…(you have felt xyz since turning 50 is because you spent the last however many years catering to others…. Because you spent the first half of your life pleasing others. This is why I teach women to activate their desires…)
If you want more love, wealth and pleasure…..to come into your life with growth, consistency and commitment….you first need to make sure your body feels safe to receive, have and hold it.
I love it when a client messages me and says “I found my passion after the past 20 years of people pleasing”
6 laws of persuasion:
1. social proof in my content regularly
2. perspective shifting
3. paint the picture of what’s possible by being specific.
Branding Post, “I am a multi-dimensional…”
If you want more love, wealth and pleasure…..to come into your life with growth, consistency and commitment….you first need to make sure your body feels safe to receive, have and hold it.
I love it when a client messages me and says “I found my passion after the past 20 years of people pleasing”
What are my 5 content pillars that I talk about over and over again?
Step into my world if you know that now is the time to release the heaviness in your heart and soul and start living your liberated, spiritually aligned amazing life.
When you embody your desires as the most magnetic and powerful influence without the overwhelm and struggle, Your life and your legacy can only grow into the highest expressions of your soul’s innate genius and
Be the embodiment of your innate gifts and genius while staying out of burn-out.
The stagnation and imbalances are simply symptoms resulting from disconnect from your soul’s highest expression, disconnect from your personal blueprint, the natural changing cycles and the running on outdated programming and inherited limiting beliefs.
This can look like repeating the same old patterns in relationships, with family, with your work or with your health, over and over.
Anxiety. Decision paralysis.
Your life and your legacy can only grow into the highest expressions of your soul’s innate genius when you become the radiant embodiment of your authentic purpose, your power and your passion.
We are entering into a powerful time when women leaders, visionaries, mothers and healers can have the greatest impact in the world by simply embodying the soft expression of their authentic feminine blueprint while attuned to the natural cycles of the cosmos..
In 12 weeks I help women who are feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled to embody their innate gifts & passion so they can live the life of fulfillment, joy, and success that is their birthright.
A rare intersection of Heaven and Earth results in a precious manifestation of Grace.​
Your Soul is a facilitator of Sacred Union between the spiritual realms and the earthly world.
The Priestess is the one who bridges Heaven and Earth for optimal magnetic attunement.
She intuitively knows when and how to call on Heavenly assistance, and she holds the embodied knowledge, codes and experience with the earthly remedies for efficient integration, rapidly transforming the material world.​
Because of this knowledge and ability, she has the responsibility to keep the channels between Heaven and Earth open, healthy, robust, active and stable, not only for herself but for those she nurtures, influences and serves.​
She has leveled up her inner and outer worlds through her deep inner alchemy according to the embodied knowledge of her Activated Birthrights and innate gifts.
​She is so loved, nourished and magnetic that she pours her magic and contribution from her overflowing cup.​
She is the artist, the healer, the shaman, the wayshower and the muse.​
The Priestess is devoted to being of service to the Divine. It is through her sacred connection with Source that she grounds her purpose through her high vitality of creative life force as the authentic embodiment of the Divine Feminine.​
The Priestess knows the power she holds and she uses it to nourish and magnetize beauty and prosperity to all of life.​
The portal to Embodied Priestess is open.
You are the embodiment of all of Creation.
As you activate the codes within, your timelines will expand, your options will expand. The entire sky will open up to you as you stand grounded, rooted, planted, deeply nourished by all of life.
​The Sovereign Priestess and the Embodied Priestess are intertwined 90 days portals for the healers, wayshowers, shamans, leaders, mothers and artists who are ready to answer the call to step into higher feminine authority and authentic genius, aligned with your embodiment of more softness, nourishment and higher magnetism, leaving behind the overwork and burnout.
​Ancient secret codes from the Priestesses of the Golden Age are activated from deep within to level up entire lineages.​
You owe it to your ancestors and descendants to live your most fulfilling life that allows permission from the Heart and changes DNA​
When you truly decide, the Universe lines up to support you.​
Embodied Priestess is a highly activated Sacred Sisterhood container that will quantum leap as a whole, to hold space to grid the planet with points in bloodlines that begin to change and level up the morphogenetic field of Humanity.​
As the Sovereign Priestess, you have me inside your Royal Chamber to hold space for intimate alchemy and direct guidance to map incoming waves of power and opportunities to jump timelines as aligned with the specific intricacies of your divinity. These are the portals and timelines available that are specific to only you.
We will step through these highly activated portals together for quantum leaps on your evolutionary journey.
​I highly recommend joining the Embodied Priestess for high planetary activations that have been passed on from the Priestesses of the Golden Age, and then adding Sovereign Priestess if you desire deep intimate support from me.
The Priestess is ready and committed to embark on the fully supported journey to lead her life and legacy from the upper levels of her soul's evolution.
The Priestess is open and committed to receiving sisterly support, guidance and in doing what it takes to embody her greatness. She is ready to leave behind burn out, depletion and striving like a peasant so that she pours her contribution only from her magnetized overflowing cup.
The Priestess travels the most exquisite path of quantum leaps and embodiment of permanent transformation into the upper levels of all possible timelines.​
As within, so without... Inner alchemy creates her outer alchemy.​
This is a deep dive to chart the best course in fulfilling your mission and to remedy karmic challenges, clear away past trauma, and create new pathways to Co-Create the Divine Plan of your life under Grace of Heaven. When we shift our energy into higher quantum fields of endless possibilities, it permeates everything in our life and all through our bloodline.
Our relationships are set right, we fulfill our mission and purpose, synchronicities line up to assist us, opportunities open up that we didn't see before, we restore balance, harmony and vitality in our body and mind, and so much more.
When we align the inner world with our innate higher codes, our body and our outer world has no choice but to align.
Meet your Mentor....
Hello Goddess! I'm Tammy Antoinette, The Priestess Astrologer and Transformational Caoch
It took a lot to get here. I was a single, teen mom and professional dancer who always knew she was meant to serve others as a healer, counselor, wellness guru or something of that nature.
I was always a seeker and started learning about health and wellness at age 16... so you could say I'm OG in the industry.
I became first known in the wellness industry as the multidimensional bodyworker, holistic health coach and energy healing therapist where after years of working through my own shadows and ancestral patterns I discovered the sacred science of Babylonian Astrology that has helped countless leaders, visionaries, experts, coaches , and healers to permanently level up their health, relationships, work, their contribution, their lineage and their legacy.
It was a great success and a LOT of hard work but in less than 4 years I scaled up my practice to expedite clients into their most magnetic, healthy and confident Soul Blueprint, making it possible for me to quit my dancing career and stay home with my children. I moved out to my family's property so that my daughter and I could reconnect with our roots, heal our lineage and I could focus on my best work.
But I was burned out, had chronic disease and depression because I was still not living in my authenticity, even though freedom and contributions were my highest values.
But I quickly burned out, got an autoimmune disease, and outgrew being the "Permission to Charge Lady" and now I'm better known among my premiere clients as a conduit for allowing them to open their channel to serve and receive at their highest level.After building this big expensive team I turned it all around in the past 4 years. I've reconfigured the whole business again. And now with just 2 team members, less overhead, almost no paid advertising, I went back to being the sole coach and creator.Basically, I tore it all down and started over again.At the height of my burn out, I found Femimine Energy and the Path of the Priestess.I began to study and work with some of the best mentors in the field and it changed the way I experienced my business in my body and how I began to operate my business more from intuition and feminine embodiment.I was able to get out of the pattern of working so hard for so little ROI and create spaciousness and more profit (while working half the hours).And I knew that as I went on my own path, I would incorporate it in my own work and help other do the same.5 years later, I now teach women how to step into their embodied Priestess self to create highly successful businesses on their own terms---by mixing soul AND strategy.Today I run The Attract Your Soul Tribe Membership, The Claiming the Throne GoddessMind, The Priestess in You Initiation, The Feminine Energy Mentor Mastermind and Certification.And I LOVE serving private clients in my year-long program, which is a six-figure investment for serious entrepreneurs only.And while I show my clients how to create unthinkable amounts of money each month, what I truly do is enable them to access a space of infinite possibility within themselves—where there’s no excuses, no apologies and no shrinking to fit other’s ideals.In this space is where women fully give themselves permission to charge and permission to receive—BIG.I'm also a Certified Money Breakthrough coach, Certified in Priestess work, Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. Most of my work is 80% spirituality and energy work and 20% strategy. This combination is the game changer for myself and my clients.Finally, a mom to a 25-year-old son, 9-year-old daughter and a cutie-pie French bulldog named Romeo, living in the greater Seattle area.